
Saturday, July 10, 2010


Almost every day for the past 10 months I've been going to the Riverwalk in downtown Mishawaka Indiana, it's a 10 minute drive from my home. I started going there to prepare for a trip to Colorado in November and continued when I found out I was going to India in March. I really enjoy the atmosphere. The city has put a lot of effort into making it an ideal place for walking and bike riding. It follows both sides of the St. Joseph River in the downtown area, has footbridges to cross the river and underpasses so you don't have to cross busy streets along the way. I usually listen to books on mp3 or music while I'm walking but there are times when I just need to be alone with God without any distractions, and this is a perfect place for that. Much of the inspiration for this blog comes while I'm walking there. During nice weather it's very a popular place but during the winter most days I was the only one there.

The first day I started my power walk training I was really out of shape. It took about 50 minutes to walk the course and I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf. The next few weeks my time and breathing improved but my legs were still sore (didn't allow for recovery time). Two weeks before I went to Colorado I started carrying a backpack full of schoolbooks to add a little resistance. During the winter the city tries to plow the snow but most of the time it was just packed down which makes it more difficult to walk. Throughout this period my times got better and better, now I'm a consistent 36 minutes and have even broken 34 a couple of times. I hardly get winded, my legs no longer hurt, I've even lost 10 lbs. This training has become a part of my life and the days I don't walk I feel like I've missed something important.

What would happen today if we realized that God has put a lot of effort into making an ideal place for our walk? What would happen today if we exercised our faith on a daily basis so it will be strong? What would happen today if spent alone time with God? What would happen today if we talked with God regularly so that it becomes a part of our daily lives, and when we don't we miss Him?

What would happen today...?

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